As shocking as it sounds, it is true that the majority of the Nigerian population care about nothing but infrastructural development. Not that it is bad, because it is not. Our rulers ought to understand that in building a state, you must be proactive in every sphere. that is, you must understand the norms and values you intend to groom your target audience (younger generation) with if you wish them to be law abiding as time progresses. Filmmakers should make movies for kids that have the right norms and values for their age. Our entertainment industry has not done much in this regards, most homes in Nigeria with kids watch anything at will and grow up with norms that are despicable. The movie "All Dogs go to Heaven" is an example of how minds can be shaped. My point is that The Nigerian Broadcasting Cooperation (NBC) is yet to reach its maximum potential in checkmating what is being aired in the country as parents are also victims too. In fact, movies that are fetish should be banned in Nigeria. They do nothing but reduce the potentials of our young generation in actualizing their dreams and aspirations. The fact that Nollywood provides revenue for the Nation is not enough, these administrators need to look inward... Our administrators should build a people rather than a "state". They need to create an environment that tells the younger generation that life is a beautiful gift and should be enjoyed.