Boko Haram, a name that makes headlines in media houses and puts fear in the hearts of men, yet no one can phantom their agitation and what the group entails. a heartless force that has killed thousands of innocent Nigerians and crippled the economy of parts of the Northern Nigeria with the rest of the country in despair. Properties worth billions of naira has been destroyed with no trace of a common heartless force called Boko Haram. We shouldn't be pointing accusing fingers but at the same time if we dont point our fingers how can we solve these problems? A president should be pro-active in his responsibility of running a country, he shouldn't be nice to evil doers because he wishes to secure his presidential ticket come 2015. The problem of Nigeria can only be solved through unity amongst ourselves but that is no go area as some parasites wont let the country move forward, they enjoy the benefit or profit they make from the oil rich Niger Delta and they will want to keep it that way not minding the casualties, thus, crippling the growth or development of an entire Nation. man has ceased to be man, man has become a beast to his kind, and i ask myself if we are now carnivores? well, in our case we dont eat our victims, we just take what is meant for them. They careless what the consequences will be if this so called oil is finished and no safety amenities to combat such challenges. Till our thieves (rulers and not leaders) search within themselves the Nigerian state can never know peace.
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